Surgery waiting areas

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Waiting Areas for Loved Ones of Those in Surgery

Waiting Areas

  • Family and friends should check in with the surgery waiting room receptionist
  • They may leave the area but will need to provide a cell phone number or a way to contact them
  • Some procedures are short and your family members will be expected to stay in the waiting room.  When your procedure is scheduled, you will be informed if this applies
  • Messages will be sent to your family or friends in the waiting room through the electronic medical record or by calling the waiting room receptionist
  • Updates will come about every 1 to 1 ½ hours until the procedure is done
  • The surgeon will also update your family when the procedure is done


Lauritzen Outpatient Center 

If you are reporting for a surgery scheduled at the Fritch Surgery Center, your family and friends should use the waiting area on the second floor of the Lauritzen Outpatient Center.  Please use the main elevators of the building.  These can be accessed from the first floor as well as from the two covered parking levels.

Clarkson Tower or Hixson-Lied Center

If you were instructed to report to Clarkson Tower Access Services for surgery scheduled in Hixson-Lied Center or Clarkson Tower, your family and friends should use the surgery waiting area on the second level of the Clarkson Tower. Please use the elevators near the Clarkson Gift Shop.

Village Pointe Outpatient Surgery Center

If your procedure is at the Village Pointe Outpatient Surgery Center, your family and friends should look for Entrance "C" at 110 N. 175th St.  You will see the check-in area and the waiting room as you walk in the entrance. The check-in desk will be on your left-hand side.