Anyone can trip and fall regardless of age, but the risk increases with age. Losing one's sense of balance and diminished strength and flexibility is a leading cause of injury among older adults.
Gregg Dahlheim trusted Truhlsen Eye Institute to not only remove his cataracts but perfect his vision with fully adjustable lenses implanted into both eyes.
Harlan High School basketball coach Mitch Osborn has been through a lot over the last decade. Not one but two kinds of cancer. Hundreds of visits to the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center for treatment.
The holidays are a time of celebration and tend to include a lot of eating and drinking. So, how can you enjoy the festivities without overindulging? Here are 10 tips to help you enjoy holiday celebrations without overindulging.
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Sixteen potentially toxic metals, including measurable concentrations of arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury and nickel, were detected in 30 tampons tested.