Power of Attorney and Advanced Directives

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What is a Power of Attorney (POA) for Health Care?

In a Power of Attorney for Health Care document you name another person to act as your “attorney in fact” or your “representative”. This person will make medical decisions for you, if you become unable to make them for yourself.

  • Your representative can be a family member or a close friend.
  • Your representative is guided by your instruction about any medical treatment you want or do not want.
  • Your representative cannot be:
    • your doctor
    • an employee of your doctor
    • your health care provider (unless he/she is your relative)
    • any person already serving as Power of Attorney for Health Care for 10 or more people (unless he/she is your relative)

Download this legal document and take to a notary for establishing a Power of Attorney for Health Care.

How do I get more information about Advance Directives?

Download this brochure:

What is the legal age in the State of Nebraska?

For the purpose of administering the federal Patient Self Determination Act consistent with Nebraska Statutes captioned "Right of the Terminally III Act" and "Health Care Power if Attorney Act", an adult is defined as a person who has attained the age of nineteen (19) years or is, or has been, married. Exception would be emancipated minor.

Who is an emancipated minor?

An emancipated minor is a minor who lives independently from his/her parents, and largely self-supporting or divorced.