Patient rights and responsibilities

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We feel it is important for you to know the following facts as a patient.

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Your Rights

You should expect to receive the following:

1. Respect

You should expect to be given the correct treatment for your problem by competent staff. They will honor your values and beliefs while you are being cared for. You can expect to be free of any type of abuse or exploitation while in the hospital.

2. Equal Consideration

Available and medically appropriate patient care and treatment services are offered to patients solely on the basis of medical condition, without differentiation or consideration of race, age, gender, disability, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.

3. Privacy and Confidentiality

All information about you will be kept confidential, including the privacy of your health information. The Notice of Privacy Practices explains how your health information may be used.

4. Information about your treatment

Your health-care team will tell you:

  • Why you do not feel well
  • How the treatment can help you and how it could hurt you
  • Other treatments available and how they work
  • What you can do to help yourself feel better
  • How you can be part of your care
  • What your health could be in the future
  • How long it will take to get better
  • What could happen after treatment
  • If your care is part of a research program so you can decide if you want to take part or not
  • We need to be able to talk and understand one another. Let us know if you need a language interpreter or sign language interpreter or assistive hearing device

5. We support your right to take part in decisions about your care

  • You will be told all about your illness and treatment before you agree to it. Other possible treatments will be discussed. This will be done before you give your approval
  • You may refuse any treatment, test, or procedure. We agree to tell you what could happen if it is not done. It is your choice
  • You can choose whether to be involved in research
  • If you are a minor, the person legally responsible for you will take part in all treatment decisions
  • When you are unable to take part in your care decisions, we will go to your next of kin or the person you identified to make decisions for you. That person will be given the same rights as you would
  • Emergency situations may not allow you to take part in care decisions. When life saving treatment is needed, your physician will decide or follow your advance directive if available
  • You have the right to receive help when making difficult decisions. Call the operator (dial 0) to ask for an ethics consultant
  • You have a right to be free from restraints that are not medically necessary
  • For public health and safety, hospitals are required to provide information regarding communicable disease to federal and local agencies

6. Advance directives

You can state in writing who can make decisions about your health care (Power of Attorney for Health Care). You can also state in writing specific health choices you have made. This is called an Advance Directive. Learn more about setting up a Living Will or Power of Attorney. 

7. Pain Control

Pain control is an important part of your treatment. You and your caregivers will set a goal for pain control. We want you to be as comfortable as possible.

8. Meeting Your Needs

It is important you receive the right care for your condition. We will tell you if the hospital cannot provide you with that care. We will help you find and transfer to another facility that can help you.

9. Access To Your Health Information

You have the right to review your health record and your hospital bill. You can have this information explained to you if needed. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

10. Non-discrimination

Nebraska Medicine complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis or race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. 

11. Interpretive Services

We offer interpretive services in all languages. Have your nurse or hospital staff contact our Interpretive Services Department at 402.559.8697

12. Reporting Complaints or Safety Concerns

You have the right to make complaints when you are not happy with the care you received. We encourage you to partner with your care team to answer any questions or concerns. This will ensure you have the best possible experience. 

You may also contact our Patient Relations office directly at 402.559.8158.

You have the right to make an additional complaint if further help is needed. The following groups will hear your concerns:

  1. Nebraska Consumer Protection Line: 800.727.6432
  2. The Joint Commission: 800.994.6610
  3. Quality Improvement Organization, KEPRO at 855.408.8557

Your Responsibilities

1. Provide Complete Health Information

The hospital staff need to know your health history to care for you. It is important that you give exact facts about your current health. We also need to know your complete past health history. This would include how you currently feel. What illnesses have you had? Have you been in any hospitals before and for what?

What medications do you take? What do we need to know to take better care of you?

2. Understand your Treatment Plan

It is important for you to know your treatment plan. It should be clear as to why you are receiving this care. It is your responsibility to speak with your care givers if you have any questions.

3. Knowing your Care before Making Decisions

You are responsible for the decisions you make about your care. We want you to have as many facts about your condition and care before you decide on your treatment. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are unable to go through with the treatment plan.

You may be asked to agree in writing to certain tests, procedures, or surgery. Ask as many questions as you need. It is important to know what you are agreeing to before signing each form.

4. Report Changes

Tell your doctor about any changes in your health.

5. Make sure your hospital bills are paid

You need to make sure your hospital bills are paid. We need to know current insurance information to file the bill. When you have insurance, the bill will be sent to them first. You are expected to pay any charges your insurance will not cover.

6. Respect Others

During your hospital stay, you have a right to privacy, as do all of our patients. We ask that you and your visitors be respectful to other patients and our staff. Noise levels should not disturb other patients. No personal recordings or photographs of anyone are allowed without consent.

7. Hospital Policies and Rules

Patients have the right to know the hospital policies and rules. It is the patient’s responsibility to follow the rules. These rules are found in the Guest Guide. Visitors also need to follow the rules. Please let your visitors know the hospital rules can be found in the Guest Guide.

Notice of Privacy Practices