Worship services

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St. Luke's Chapel

A photo of St. Luke's Chapel.

St. Luke’s Chapel is located on level 1 of Clarkson Tower, near the main entrance, and is open 24 hours a day for prayer and contemplation.

All public worship services are currently cancelled. Some services are available on CCTV, channel 31 or 75. 

St Luke’s Chapel remains open for individual use.

Interfaith prayer space

Nebraska Medicine's interfaith prayer space, located on level 1 of University Tower.

A patient looking for somewhere to quietly reflect before an important appointment. A family member not wanting to miss a daily prayer while a loved one is in surgery. A colleague recognizing an important religious holiday.

The people mentioned in any of these scenarios now have a dedicated area for those vital needs. The Nebraska Medicine Guild funded the new interfaith prayer space, located on level 1 of University Tower.

A local imam helped inform how the space is structured, so the space does not feature any artwork showing people or faces, and there is a space to take off your shoes.

Patients, visitors and staff members of any faith can use the room for prayer or refection. It can also be reserved through Spiritual Care Services