Living Well with Your Intestinal Transplant

An intestinal transplant requires a significant lifestyle change and at times can be an overwhelming experience. You and your family members play a very important role in making your transplant a success. Our team is happy to guide you through your recovery process.

Living Successfully at Home

Once home from your intestinal transplant, you will receive follow-up care from your local doctor. Our transplant team will also continue to monitor your lab work and adjust your anti-rejection medications. We will address any health problems or concerns you may have. If we feel it's important to address health concern in person, we may ask you to return to Omaha. We typically ask patients to return to the Transplant Center for a follow-up visit at least once a year.

You and your family members play critical roles in successful intestinal transplantation. It is important to follow these basic patient responsibilities after your transplant:

  • Take all medication as instructed.
  • Complete all lab work as scheduled.
  • Call the transplant coordinator before taking any new prescriptions or over-the-counter medications, to discuss ongoing health concerns or persistent fevers, or share your questions or concerns .
  • Keep regular appointments with your local physician and transplant team.
  • Obtain routine health-care maintenance checks such as mammograms, pap smears, PSAs and colonoscopies.
  • Update your transplant nurse coordinator with any changes to your address or phone number.

Information for Living Well after Your Transplant:

The following resources will give you the basic information you need to live successfully after your intestinal transplant. Please review each document carefully, and go over any questions you have with your doctor and/or members of your transplant team.

  • Introduction
  • When to call the Transplant Center - This guide covers symptoms to watch out for and when you should call your doctor or the Transplant Center.
  • Rejection - One of the complications you can develop after transplantation is rejection. This resource will help you understand what it is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it.
  • Medications - Medications play an important role in your success after transplant. This resource serves as a guide in understanding some of the medications you will be taking.
  • Infections - Due to anti-rejection medication you will be taking, you may be more prone to infection. This guide provides helpful information in preventing infections after your transplant surgery.
  • Nutrition/Dehydration - This resource contains diet guidelines to help you to optimize your transplant and prevent problems.
  • Testing - This guide will help you better understand the lab tests you will have done after your transplant.
  • Activity - This guide covers activities you can safely do and those you should avoid following your transplant surgery.
  • Living with your Transplant - This guide covers several lifestyle 'Do's and Don'ts' for living successfully after your transplant.
  • Resources - This guide provides information about resources such as local pharmacies and grocery stores in the Omaha area.

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