Your smile is important. When you have a beautiful smile, you feel more confident about yourself. That’s why losing a tooth as an adult can be such a traumatic experience. But it’s actually more common than you think. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 69 percent of adults ages 35 to 44 have lost at least one permanent tooth to an accident, gum disease, a failed root canal or tooth decay. By age 74, 26 percent of adults have lost all of their permanent teeth. If you have lost a tooth, dental implants can help you restore your confidence and your smile.

Dental implants have become an increasingly popular and reliable alternative to replacing missing teeth over the last 20 years due to advancements in implant technology. Doctors at Nebraska Medicine have many years of experience in dental implant surgery, insuring you receive the most aesthetically-pleasing results.

Why come to Nebraska Medicine for Dental Implants

Highly Skilled Surgeons Providing the Most Aesthetically-Pleasing Results

At Nebraska Medicine, we have oral and maxillofacial surgeons who specialize in dental implants and reconstructive surgery so you can be confident knowing you will receive the best results using the most advanced techniques. Our surgeons also have advanced surgical training, which allows them to perform the most complicated cases including those that may require bone and tissue regeneration or reconstructive surgery due to trauma, injury or a tumor.

While most dental implants are placed in adults and in adolescents once they have reached skeletal maturity, in rare cases, they are placed in children with congenital abnormalities. Our skilled surgeons have the expertise to perform dental implant surgery on both children and adults.

Sophisticated Technology

Today’s implants are very durable and can last a lifetime. Our doctors use only the most advanced materials and techniques. The implants are made of titanium, which are not subject to decay or breaking. They also are biocompatible, meaning they are not rejected by the body and have a special property, which allows them to fuse to bone. In addition, revolutions in surface technology have decreased implant healing time from six months to three to six weeks. Bone grafting and bone regeneration techniques have also greatly improved, boosting bone regeneration success to 90 to 94 percent.  Aesthetically, the porcelain implant crowns that are attached to the implant look natural and function like your normal teeth and are made to last many years. 

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