Olson Center Women's Health Resource Center

The Resource Center provides women's health education to the community, patients, health care providers, and students in the Omaha area, regionally, and internationally. Located next to the main lobby, the Resource Center houses all brochures and educational material for the Olson Center clinic. Most education is also in Spanish. As part of our outreach education we participate in corporate and community health fairs and lectures and host various events. For more information on how the Resource Center can help you, please call directly at 402.559.6345.

Omaha Women's Health and Wellness Conference

The annual Omaha Women's Health & Wellness Conference is hosted every October/November at a local conference center in Omaha. Conference hosts are the Olson Center for Women's Health, Nebraska Medicine, and UNMC.

To receive conference news and registration information, please fill out form below:

Breastfeeding Conference mailing list

Sign up to receive the latest news on the Breastfeeding: Baby's Natural Choice Conference and for other breastfeeding resources!

Olson Center Women's Health quarterly newsletter

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Have questions? We're here to help.

Contact us to make an appointment

Women's Health Resource Center
