Breastfeeding: Baby's Natural Choice Conference

2023 "Breastfeeding: Baby's Natural Choice Conference"
Wed., Aug. 30, 2023
7:15 AM - 4:30 PM
La Vista Conference Center
(in-person attendance)
Featuring national presenters:
Katrina Mitchell, MD, IBCLC, PMH-C
Kristen Choi, PhD, RN, FAAN
Registration has now closed.
If you would like notified when the Enduring Conference (with or without credit) is available online, please email
Breastfeeding lecture topics offered:
- treating mastitis
- trauma-informed care
- physical therapy interventions
- bariatric surgery - prenatal and postnatal
- maternal depression
- tongue tie challenges
Continuing education credit will be provided for physicians, nurses, lactation consultants, and registered dietitians. Social workers are able to use AMA and ANCC credit if they determine the lecture topic is relevant to their role for re-licensure.
Since 1995, the one-day biennial Breastfeeding: Baby's Natural Choice Conference has been offered to healthcare professionals, nurses, lactation consultants, registered dietitians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, breastfeeding advocates, social workers, and students. The conference focuses on the importance of a supportive environment for the promotion of breastfeeding, as well as general education on breastfeeding. Continuing education is offered.
This event is sponsored by the Olson Center for Women's Health and the University of Nebraska Medical Center in cooperation with the UNMC Center for Continuing Education. and UNMC College of Nursing and the
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Olson Women's Health Resource Center
Phone: 402.559.6345