Nebraska AIDS Education and Training Center


To educate health care providers about HIV infection, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment and psychosocial issues.

Nebraska AIDS Education and Training Center (NAETC)

Real-time clinical consultation for healthcare professionals

Educational programs about HIV infection for healthcare professionals

Clinical training opportunities at HIV patient care sites

Updates to health care professionals on HIV-related treatment and care issues

Provides information about HIV service programs and resources

Resource center for health professions schools

For more information call (402)-559-5392 or (866)-632-2437
Located at the University of Nebraska Medical Center
National AIDS ETC Resource Center

We serve:

Dentists and dental health professionals

Nurses and nurse practitioners



Physician Assistants

Other health care providers

Faculty, students and staff in health professions schools

We provide:

Educational programs about HIV infection for healthcare professional Information about HIV prevention

Clinical training at our HIV Clinic in Omaha

Timely updates to health care professionals on HIV-related treatment and care issues

Information about HIV service programs and resources

Serve as a resource for health professions schools

Clinical consultation to healthcare professionals regarding testing, medications, and post-exposure prophylaxis

For more information or to schedule training opportunities:

Telephone: (402) 559-5392 or (866) 632-2437

Deb Justesen, NAETC Coordinator (402) 559-8621, e-mail:

Ann Fitzgerald, RN, APRN (402) 559-6681, e-mail:

Have questions? We're here to help.

Contact us to make an appointment
