Michele R Aizenberg, MD
Neurological Surgery (Board Certified)
Nebraska Medicine Employed Physician
Omaha NE 68131
Omaha NE 68105
We post satisfaction data when a Nebraska Medicine employed provider has a minimum of 30 surveys returned over the previous two years.
Omaha NE 68131
Omaha NE 68105
Can perform surgeries at: Nebraska Medical Center.
Medical School
Saint George's University School of Medical, 1999
Brown University, 2000
Surgical Neurology, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2003
Neurosurgery, George Washington University, 2006
Neurosurgical Oncology, University of Texas - MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2007
See publications for Michele Aizenberg, MD
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Dr. Aizenberg is an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Oncology and Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She is Board Certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery. Dr. Aizenberg has completed fellowship training in Neurosurgical Oncology at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and clinical and research fellowships in the Surgical Neurology Branch at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at the U. S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
With a special interest in primary and metastatic tumors of the brain and spine and by utilizing special imaging and surgical techniques, Dr. Aizenberg is able to resect tumors in eloquent areas of the brain in ways to help prevent neurologic deficits. By individualized care, the best approach is determined for each patient so that they have maximal outcome. She works closely with radiation oncologists, neuro-oncologists, oncologists, neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and neuropsychologists to provide the most comprehensive care for oncology patients. With this multi-disciplinary approach, comprehensive Neuro-Oncology care can be provided for patients with central nervous system tumors. With this in mind, Dr. Aizenberg was instrumental in establishing the Brain and Spine Cancer Center (BASCC) at the Nebraska Medical Center. In 2009, she was named the Director of the BASCC.
American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2008-present.
American Medical Association, 2007-present.
Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 2007-present.
Intraoperative Imaging Society, 2013-present
Joint Section on Tumors, AANS/CNS, 2007-present.
Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics, 2009-present.
Society for Neuro-Oncology, 2006-present.
Women in Neurosurgery, 2009- present.
Faculty Senate, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 2013-2016
Board of Directors, Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics, 2010-2014.
Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium, Neuro-oncology Clinical Trial Working Group, 2015–present.
Fred and Pamela Buffett Cancer Center Senior Leadership Council. 2015–present.
Physician Advisory Council, Nebraska Medicine, 2013-present.
Surgical Services New Technology and Products Committee, The Nebraska Medical Center. 2011-2014.
Chair, Industry Committee, Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics, 2010- 2012.
Fellowships Committee, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 2008-2014.
Tissue Bank Committee, The University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. 2007-present.
Credentials Committee, Resident member, George Washington University Hospital, Washington, DC. 2004-2006.
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Licensed to practice medicine in: Nebraska
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