Ivy N Haskins, MD
General Surgery (Board Certified)
Nebraska Medicine Employed Physician
Omaha, NE 68105
Omaha, NE 68105
Medical School
George Washington University School Of Medicine, 2012
Research Center for Abdominal Core Health, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 2017
General Surgery, George Washington University School Of Medicine, 2019
Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery and Bariatric Surgery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, 2020
Ivy Haskins, MD, is the Co-Director of the Esophageal Diseases and Motility Clinic.
Highlighted publications
A Call for Standardization of Wound Events following Ventral Hernia Repair
For a full list of publications by Ivy Haskins, MD, please follow the link
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How did you fall in love with your field?
I think that surgery is unique in the sense that we have the ability to diagnose a patient with a problem and fix it, or at least significantly improve a patient’s quality of life related to that problem, through an operation. In terms of the operations that most interest me- bariatric, foregut, and hernia surgery- these patients are so debilitated by their specific disease process and to see how much they improve after surgery is so rewarding and fulfilling and has really reinforced to me that I chose the right subspecialty within the field of general surgery!
Some things people may not know about me:
- I am a twin.
- I quote my grandma at any opportunity that I have - she is 102 so what she says must be right!
- I have never met someone with smaller handwriting than me.
- I am scared of roller coasters
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Licensed to practice medicine in: Nebraska
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