Nebraska Medicine Board of Directors

Mogens Bay
Mogens C. Bay is the chairman of Valmont Industries, Inc. and serves as vice chair of the Nebraska Medicine Board of Directors.
Bradely Britigan
Bradley E. Britigan, MD, is dean of the UNMC College of Medicine and a professor of Internal Medicine.
James Canedy
James T. Canedy, MD, is the president of Clarkson Regional Health Services.
Lance Fritz
Lance M. Fritz served as chairman, president and chief executive officer of Union Pacific from 2015 to 2023, when he retired. He serves as a senior advisor to the company.
Bruce Crewcock
Bruce E. Grewcock is chairman of Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc., and serves as treasurer of the Nebraska Medicine Board of Directors.
Jeffrey P Gold
Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, is the chancellor of the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) and executive vice president and provost of the University of Nebraska system and serves as chair of the Nebraska Medicine Board of Directors.
Nancy Keegan
Nancy A. Keegan is a retired investor and investment banker who serves as secretary of the Nebraska Medicine Board of Directors.
Eric Keen
Eric L. Keen is the chairman of HDR, Inc.
Beau Konigsberg
Beau Konigsberg, MD, is a professor in the UNMC Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, assistant dean for admissions for the UNMC College of Medicine and president of the Nebraska Medical Center medical staff.
Jim Linder
James R. Linder, MD, is the chief executive officer of Nebraska Medicine, and a UNMC professor of pathology and microbiology.
David W Mercer
David W. Mercer, MD, is chair of the department of Surgery in the UNMC College of Medicine and professor of Surgery.
Jane Miller
Jane Miller is the (retired) president and chief operating officer of Gallup.
Deb Romberger
Debra J. Romberger, MD, is chair of the department of Internal Medicine in the UNMC College of Medicine and professor of Internal Medicine.
Kelly Vaughn
Kelly Vaughn is the chief nursing officer for Nebraska Medicine.

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