Each year, thousands of people are stripped of their independence. They are incapacitated by movement disorders like essential tremor, Parkinson's disease or dystonia. Without proper treatment, many of these patients will have to rely on family members to assist them with many basic activities like eating, drinking and writing.

In as little as a single procedure however, our doctors can silence these tremors and other motor symptoms, freeing the person to live a more normal life. For instance, this life-changing procedure can double the amount of functional time Parkinson’s patients have each day.

If you or someone you know suffers from uncontrollable tremors or Parkinson's disease, Nebraska Medicine offers an innovative surgical procedure called deep brain stimulation, which can alleviate the symptoms in many people when medications have failed.

Like a pacemaker for the brain, deep brain stimulation uses mild electric pulses to stimulate the brain and block the signals that cause the abnormal movements.

It involves implanting one or more insulated wire leads in one of several areas of the brain. The lead is connected to a small pulse generator (like a heart pacemaker) which is implanted beneath the skin in the upper chest area.

Deep brain stimulation is considered the gold standard of surgical treatment for Parkinson's disease as well as severe cases of essential tremor and certain types of dystonia and can have a dramatic impact on your quality of life.

Choose Nebraska Medicine for Deep Brain Stimulation For:

Expertise in Deep Brain Stimulation

Nebraska Medicine has the most comprehensive deep brain stimulation program in the region. Among the early adopters of the procedure, neurosurgeons at Nebraska Medicine have been performing the procedure for nearly 25 years and are recognized nationally as leaders in DBS.

A Comprehensive Team

Nebraska Medicine's Deep Brain Stimulation Program is comprised of board-certified doctors with fellowship training in the complex disease management of movement disorders needed for deep brain stimulation. Our team also includes specially-trained neuropsychologist's, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and registered nurse case managers that all work together to ensure the highest level of satisfaction for our customers.

You will receive an evaluation by one of our movement disorders specialists, followed by a comprehensive evaluation of candidacy for deep brain stimulation.

Through this process, you will learn about all of the treatment options for your condition, including the non-surgical ones.

Your evaluation may include an overnight stay in the hospital, evaluation of medication benefit and side effects, neuropsychological assessment and brain imaging.

Each case is then discussed in our multidisciplinary deep brain stimulation case meetings, where each member of the team presents the results of their evaluation of the patient.

At the end of this session, our team will make a recommendation as to whether we believe you are a candidate for this procedure and will discuss the decision with you and your family.

Individualized Attention

We take very seriously our job to educate you about your various treatment options.

Making a decision as to whether you should undergo brain surgery is not an easy one. We believe the best approach is to empower you with the knowledge needed to decide if deep brain stimulation surgery is the best choice for you.

Through our personalized evaluation process, you and your family will have all of the information you need to make an educated and well-thought out decision.

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