A serious or chronic illness often means facing many difficult issues.

Many patients with chronic illness face social, physical, and emotional issues that make them feel poorly and significantly impact their quality of life. In addition, patients with chronic illness are often asked to make decisions about their care that can be overwhelming.

The Nebraska Medicine palliative care team provide an extra layer of support to relieve the symptoms and stress that comes with having a serious or chronic illness. Currently, this service is offered for Nebraska Medicine adult patients and patients in the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center outpatient clinic by referral.

Palliative care is here to help you feel better through specialized expertise in managing symptoms. We are here to help you and your family determine what is most important to you in line with your goals and values and to help you navigate how to match your medical care with these goals. Our role is to provide holistic care covering body, mind, and spirit so you and your family can experience the best quality of life during a potentially overwhelming time.

Palliative Care is Whole Person Care 

  • Whole person care means providing physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual support for those with serious illnesses.
  • Palliative care can be provided at any stage of illness.
  • The primary goal of palliative care is to help promote an improved quality of life through symptom management, help in aligning treatment options with patient goals, and assistance with advance care planning.

If you are a Nebraska Medicine patient dealing with a complex illness and feeling poorly and overwhelmed by treatment options your medical providers have discussed, talk to your doctor about a referral to a palliative care. We work with patients, families, and their providers to make sure your symptoms are being aggressively managed and your values are always considered in the treatment plan.


Our primary goal is whole person care focused on what matters most to you.



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  • Is Palliative Care Right for Me?

    Learn more about palliative care and if it is right for you.

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  • Meet the Palliative Care Team

    Nebraska Medicine's Palliative Care Team is dedicated to improving quality.

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