Pancreas Patient Education

We recognize receiving a transplant is an overwhelming experience and represents a significant lifestyle change. You, your care partner and your family play a very important role in successful organ transplantation.

Immediately after your transplant:

A nurse coordinator will give you a handbook containing all of the basic information you need to live more successfully after your pancreas transplant. Please review each document carefully and go over any questions you have with your doctor or transplant team members. The handout contains information about:

  • When to call the transplant team
  • Rejection
  • Medication
  • Infection
  • Nutrition and dehydration
  • Testing
  • Activity
  • Living long term with your transplant

After you go home from the hospital, it is very important that you:

  1. Take all medications as instructed.
  2. Complete all lab work as scheduled.
  3. Call the transplant coordinator or doctor if you notice any symptoms of rejection, infection or other problems.
  4. Keep regular appointments with your doctor.

Have questions? We're here to help.

Contact us to make an appointment
