After successfully treating thyroid cancer, Kelly Huffman, Patient Resource manager at Nebraska Medicine, found herself with two concerns: extra weight and high blood pressure.
A new study in the JAMA Network Open found that the health of those who don’t exercise is similar or worse to those with a major disease like hypertension, diabetes or even being a smoker. Learn more.
With the holiday season in full swing and sweet temptations lurking around every corner, avoiding holiday weight gain can be a challenge. Learn how you can develop a game plan before holiday gatherings.
.Obesity is a national health issue in this country with more than one third of all U.S. adults considered to be overweight. Bariatric surgery has become a growing solution for obese individuals.
In most minds, snack time conjures up images of forbidden foods or “cheating” on our quest to eat a healthy diet. Looked at it more logically, snacking may actually help us achieve our dietary goals. But how can we match up the goals and still satisfy our sweet tooth?