What does it really take to lose weight? Is it just a matter of taking in fewer calories than your body uses in a day? Or are there other factors at play?
Are you thinking about starting an exercise routine for the first time or want to reengage after a long hiatus? The sheer number of exercise options can be overwhelming, and leaping from thinking to action may be the biggest step.
The Bariatrics Center has many tools to help patients lose weight, including one-on-one weight-loss counseling visits with a dietitian, medical weight loss that can involve bariatric surgery, a meal replacement plan and/or weight-loss medications.
Who doesn’t enjoy a vacation, but a vacation from food? Tiffany Lopez was just as skeptical, but in less than a year has discovered it was exactly what she needed.
As winter settles in and it seems like every has some sort of bug or another, exercising safely can feel overwhelming. Feeling unmotivated or not knowing socially distant options might be preventing a more active lifestyle. But regular activity helps your body fight disease, along with a bunch of other benefits to your emotional and mental health.