If you're undergoing cancer treatment at Nebraska Medicine you have access to our Infusion Center, which serves as a treatment center and urgent-care facility specifically for cancer patients.
Preventing and treating side effects is an important part of cancer treatment and our team works closely with you to minimize them. If you experience symptoms such as fever, infection, pain, uncontrolled nausea or vomiting or other side effects of treatments at any time during the day or night, we are here to help.
From 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., call your care team first. They will set up an appointment for you to come to the Infusion Center for evaluation and treatment and, if needed, admission to the hospital.
Between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., providers are available at the Emergency Department, on level one of the Hixson-Lied Center. You will see providers familiar with hematology-oncology care, or the ER will contact specialists upon your arrival.
You can have additional peace of mind knowing that your cancer care team is a phone call away, and you will receive a continuum of care from doctors who understand your conditions.
The Infusion Center is also an environment safe for immune-compromised cancer patients. The after-hours on-call team can be reached at 402.559.5600.
What to expect at the Infusion Center
Cancer patients have a lot on their mind, and our cancer care team understands.
First-time and returning patients can watch the video below to better understand how receiving cancer treatment at the Infusion Center works.