“I just felt confident the entire time.” That’s how Kristine Hayward describes how she feels about her physician, Sylvia Ziegenbein, MD, and the care team that delivered her second child, Liam, on Jan. 14, who arrived three weeks early.
Jessica Schultze was able to use water birth for her fifth child, despite a previous C-section. Many other hospitals would identify her as a higher-risk pregnancy and exclude her from being a candidate for water birth.
Managing diabetes early—even before conception—is vital for the health of both mother and baby, as uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to serious health risks.
Nebraska Medicine provides innovative birthing options for expectant mothers, focusing on safety and comfort. Among these options are vaginal birth after cesarean, or VBAC, and water birth.
Navigating pregnancy can sometimes be challenging when healthy, but when cold and flu season hits, you may wonder what medications or remedies are safe for you and your baby.
The popularity of nonalcoholic beer and drinks has exploded. While these beverages can be a good way to reduce your alcohol intake, their efficacy, especially in the lives of those with alcohol use disorder, is complicated.
Are you considering a natural or unmedicated birth? Certified nurse-midwife Alyssa Fischer, APRN-CNM, shares five effective strategies to help make your childbirth experience more comfortable.
Pelvic organ prolapse is an uncomfortable condition that’s made worse by being a sensitive subject for people to talk about. Despite this difficulty, it’s important to know what pelvic organ prolapse is.
The majority of people experiencing preeclampsia recover fully with no further problems, but for some, it can have a lasting impact on long-term cardiovascular health.