How to keep lungs healthy

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated masking guidelines since this was written. Get the latest information.
It's something most of us often don't even think about – breathing! But our lungs play a huge role in bringing oxygen to the rest of our body through the air we breathe every day.
It is important to keep our lungs healthy, so they can continue to help us do the things we enjoy. If we treat them right, they will return the favor.
What you can do:
- If you smoke, try to quit. Quitting smoking can prevent chemicals, fumes and tar from reaching your lungs and causing damage
- Avoid too much time outside when the air isn't healthy to breathe. Due to pollution, with certain weather conditions, breathing outside for too long can worsen or cause lung problems. Pay attention to your local weather to know when these times may arise. Dust and smoke from natural disasters can also cause similar breathing problems
- Avoid indoor pollutants; like wood-burning fireplaces and chemicals. These fumes can be like bad weather outdoors and can lead to lung irritation and damage
- Wear a mask to protect yourself from COVID-19. Wearing a mask protects you and those around you from spreading this and other viral illnesses which can lead to lung damage
- Follow-up regularly with your doctor. To make sure you are keeping your lungs healthy; your doctor can evaluate your lungs with a physical examination and testing
- Get your influenza (and pneumonia vaccine, if recommended) vaccine. This helps your immune system fight some of the respiratory illnesses which can lead to short, and sometimes long-term lung problems. Protecting yourself can help prevent or make these illnesses less severe if you do get these infections
- Exercise! This gives your lungs a chance to clear of debris and opens up all the air spaces to be used for breathing. It trains your heart to work with the lungs more efficiently
Portions adapted from the AHA: