Why I chose a midwife

As a former nurse with the Olson Center for Women’s Health, I was lucky to work with so many caring and passionate providers. This also made it tough to choose my provider when I found out I was pregnant. When I’d imagined my perfect birth experience, I knew I wanted an unmedicated and less medicalized labor and delivery experience. With this in mind, I chose the Olson Center midwives for my care team. Their "high-touch, low-tech" approach to birth fit best with my own desires.
My pregnancy was routine and healthy. I loved checking in with the five midwives and getting their unique perspectives. They always took the time to answer my questions during visits. They made me feel safe and confident throughout my entire pregnancy. We discussed my desire to avoid inducing labor and have a more natural birth. I realized that medical interventions would be needed if complications or concerns arose. But, since I had such a "boring" pregnancy, I wasn't concerned.
At 39 weeks, I met with certified nurse midwife Kate Scott, APRN-CNM for a routine prenatal appointment. We discussed the changes my body was experiencing. I remember her joking that she’d see me in Labor and Delivery during her on-call shift the next day.
I awoke early the next morning with contractions different than I’d previously experienced. During my prenatal appointments, the midwives taught me how to labor at home during the early phase of labor. Once my contractions became more intense, my husband and I headed to the hospital.
We arrived at Labor and Delivery in the early morning. Thankfully, everything continued to look healthy and routine for me and my baby. I knew the midwives would let me labor without constant monitoring as long as I met certain criteria. I was able to ditch my fetal monitoring bands to labor in the warm jacuzzi tub. This gave me some relief from the contraction pain. Once I got out of the tub, the pressure began to increase. I knew our baby was coming soon.
Kate was a fantastic coach when it was time to deliver my baby. I needed her motivation, support and encouragement during that intense time. In less than a half hour of pushing, I had my baby boy in my arms. I was fortunate to have the unmedicated, noninvasive birth that I’d worked so hard for. It was the most empowering and incredible experience I’d ever been through.

What I didn't plan for was the complication that followed. I had extra bleeding right after delivery that required medication. When it seemed to resolve, I was transferred to the postpartum unit. About three or four hours after delivery, I began having more bleeding. Kate came to my bedside to check on me. She discovered I was passing large clots while bleeding. The next thing I remember was the room filling with people moving very quickly.
Kate and the OB/GYN, Dr. Carly Jennings, MD worked with a team of about 10 people. I had a postpartum hemorrhage. Medications and blood were given to me, and they were able to stop the bleeding. Thinking back on it now, their coordination was amazing. Everyone knew their role, and things seemed so in control, even though it felt scary at the time.
The number one question I heard after choosing the midwives was, “What if something goes wrong?” Something did go wrong after my delivery, but thankfully I had the best, most capable team to manage my care. I initially chose the midwives because of their high-touch, low-tech approach. However, it was their ability to collaborate with other providers and take charge during an emergency that will make me sing their praises forever. I'm so grateful I delivered my baby with this incredible team. I’d absolutely recommend their care to other pregnant women.
Call 800.922.0000 to schedule an appointment with one of our midwives or learn more about our midwife program at NebraskaMed.com/Pregnancy-childbirth/Midwives.