12 skin care tips to promote healthy skin

Woman applying cream to her face

Practicing consistent skin care habits is important for your health. Why? It keeps your skin healthy, helps delay signs of aging, prevents skin problems and contributes to overall health. 

Dermatologist Jesse Hirner, MD, recommends the following tips to help promote healthy skin throughout the year.

  1. Wear sunscreen daily and year-round to reduce the development of wrinkles, brown spots and skin cancer. Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 labeled broad-spectrum and reapply every 90 minutes to two hours. Protective clothing like hats and long sleeves can provide excellent sun protection if you struggle with regular sunscreen use. Apply sunscreen during the winter when the sun’s rays can be even more intense as they reflect off snow and ice. Cover up when you go outside to keep cold temperatures and wind from drying your skin. 
  2. Remember to protect and take care of your scalp. Whether you have plenty of hair or not, the skin on your scalp is also susceptible to sun damage and skin cancer. People without hair-bearing scalps are significantly more at risk. 
  3. Eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which can help your skin repair itself. 
  4. Topical retinoids can reduce wrinkles, brown spots, and other results of sun exposure. Talk with your dermatologist about prescription-strength retinoids, which are more effective than over-the-counter options for treating skin damage.
  5. Stay hydrated from the inside and out. Shoot for drinking six to eight glasses of water daily, and apply a moisturizer immediately after showering to help lock in moisture. 
  6. Avoid scented deodorant, antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers containing alcohol, which can irritate the skin and remove natural oils. 
  7. Especially throughout the colder months, use moisturizers that are creams or ointments and come in jars rather than pumps. Thicker ointments are typically sold in jars and will seal in moisture better than thinner creams and gels.
  8. Avoid hot showers, which can strip your skin of moisture and natural oils. Limit your time in the shower and use warm water rather than hot. 
  9. Stop smoking. It damages the skin by reducing its strength and elasticity. 
  10. Consider running a humidifier in your home to replenish moisture in the air, especially during the winter. 
  11. If your skin is sensitive to fragrance, look for fragrance-free products.
  12. Call your dermatologist if you are concerned about dry, itchy skin that won’t get better.
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