Jason and Liz: Two different weight loss stories, two amazing outcomes

Jason Holoubek was sick of being sick and tired.
At 41 years old, he was 330 pounds and it was taking its toll. His reflux had become increasingly more bothersome, sleep apnea was preventing him from getting a good night’s sleep, and his knees hurt so badly, he had maxed out on arthritis medications and cortisone shots. He could no longer mow the lawn, play catch with his kids, or do many of the things most people take for granted.
But that was just the beginning. When he went to his doctor to discuss a weight loss plan, he was hit with a barrage of more bad news. His blood sugars were out of control, his blood pressure was borderline high, and if he didn’t do something about his weight, he’d need knee replacements soon.
It was the wake-up call he needed. “I knew it was time to get things figured out if I wanted to have any quality of life,” says Holoubek. “I needed to close the door on my unhealthy habits.”
Liz Fudge was facing some tough decisions as well.
At 315 pounds, Fudge’s weight was making the tasks of daily life challenging. Keeping up with her three-year-old daughter Darie, was nearly impossible. One day when she was playing with Darie and had to sit down to rest, Darie gave her a big hug and commented, “Look mommy, I can’t fit my arms around you.” The words stung. They hung with Fudge for days. Her weight was preventing her from being the mother she wanted to be. While she knew she needed to do something, weight-loss plans had never worked for her.
Holoubek and Fudge both sought the help of the experts at the Nebraska Medicine Bariatrics Center
Holoubek started with a medically-managed weight loss program. After six months, he had shed more than 50 pounds and gotten his diabetes to a manageable level.
But Holoubek’s battle was not over yet. “I needed to lose another 70 pounds or more, I was still having issues with my knees and reflux and I was concerned I would gain it all back.”
That’s when Holoubek decided to try weight loss surgery.
“The staff at the Bariatrics Center put me in a position to succeed,” he says. “I knew that I had to be committed to some major lifestyle changes even after surgery and I was ready. I wanted my quality of life back.”
Holoubek lost another 70 pounds after surgery and is completely off diabetes medications. “The success of the surgery depends on the after – staying committed to a healthy lifestyle and making good choices,” he says. “I’ve conquered a lot of demons in the last year. I no longer have diabetes, my blood pressure is normal, I’m off my reflux and arthritis meds, my sleep apnea has gone away, I don’t need cortisone shots in my knees anymore, I’ve stopped drinking, I’m eating healthy and I’m exercising regularly.”
But the best part of all, says Holoubek, is that he can do normal things with his boys again like playing basketball, backyard baseball and football.

While Fudge’s journey started a little differently, the ending results have been just as extraordinary. After meeting with a Nebraska Medicine bariatrics surgeon, the two decided bariatrics surgery was the best option for her. Fudge was committed to weight loss. She lost 10 pounds before surgery and within a year, she had lost another 100 pounds and is working on dropping 20 more. “I’ve never felt so good for years,” says Fudge, smiling from cheek to cheek. “I bought a bathing suit for the first time in 25 years. The whole team at the Bariatrics Center has transformed my life forever more. I am humbled and honored by everything they have done for me.”
“I couldn’t have done it without the Bariatrics Center staff,” agrees Holoubek. “Everything was seamless. They kept me on track, explained everything to me and made me accountable with regular appointments and a monthly support group.”
The Bariatric Center is designed and directed by physicians who are fellowship-trained in medical weight management and bariatric surgery and are supported by a multidisciplinary team of specialists. The center offers medical weight loss, bariatric surgery and a meal replacement plan.
“A lot of doors have been opened to me,” says Holoubek. “It’s like I’m living a different life.”
Contact us at 402.559.9500 or visit NebraskaMed.com/Weight-loss.