How to select the right protein shake

Man drinking protein shake

Proteins are an essential part of every cell, organ and tissue in our body. Our bodies do not store protein to be used at a later time and we are constantly utilizing protein in our bodies for vital body functions, so we must consume an adequate amount of protein each day.

If we do not take in enough protein in our diet, our body must find protein from another source, so the body will break down lean body tissue or muscle to meet its demands. Patients who are losing weight will lose some muscle in the weight loss process, but the goal is to increase protein intake to meet your body’s demands.

Finding an appropriate protein supplement can be one of the most challenging activities for a weight loss patient. Store shelves are lined with the newest fad products, all marketed as the latest and greatest way to lose weight. It can be quite overwhelming! Patients need to be careful to select products that are appropriate for their needs.

Protein supplements can be found in many different forms, flavors, prices and tastes. What one person enjoys drinking, the next patient may not find palatable, so you may need to try several different brands before you find the one you enjoy drinking. For many bariatric patients, liquid protein supplements are essential to meeting their high protein needs with a very small stomach. Protein shakes are not only helpful for patients undergoing bariatric surgery, they are also helpful for any individual who would like assistance with losing weight. Here are some basic guidelines to help you select a protein shake.

  1. Look for a whey based product. Many products will say whey right in the title of the product name.
  2. Find a protein supplement that has 20-30 grams of protein per serving. This is our target goal for the amount of protein that you should eat at one time.
  3. Review the label for how much sugar is in the product. We recommend 5 grams or less of sugar per serving.

These products can come in ready to drink or powder form and can have a wide variety of flavors. We also recommend to patients that if they are utilizing powder forms of powders, they can be mixed with skim milk, unsweetened almond milk, soy milk or water. Try several different bases with your product before you decide if you like it or not!

Protein Shakes are not the Only Way You Can Increase Protein in Your Diet

  • Slowly make changes to incorporate more protein into your day. Make it a goal to try to add a protein source to each meal
  • Food groups high in protein include dairy, vegetable protein sources, eggs and meat. Read labels to determine the amount of protein in a serving
  • Start slowly and work to incorporate choices into your day. Planning ahead will help to improve your overall food choices and help you to lose weight
  • You can also utilize online tracking sources such as to carefully track your intake and help you to increase your protein intake
  • Weight loss is a journey and increasing your protein intake is just one of the steps in the weight loss process

Begin slowly. Examine your current diet and look for ways to make changes. Be patient and be willing to try new foods.