You asked, we answered: When should we see a specialist for male infertility?

My husband and I have been trying for a baby for some time now (1 to 2 years). My husband has issues with delayed ejaculation. This is understandably making this a little more challenging.
When would you recommend seeking out a fertility specialist? How do we get that process started?
Answered by urologist Chris Deibert, MD, MPH:
Couples should seek help with fertility concerns if it has been 12 months of unprotected intercourse without a pregnancy, both the man and the woman should be evaluated at the same time.
For the man, I discuss issues related to sexual function ejaculation, prior partners and pregnancy, frequency of sexual activity around their wife's ovulation and other medical issues for them. A semen analysis study (sperm test) is a must to help with this evaluation. Couples should always try to get a sense from their doctor, after evaluation, on what might improve their fertility potential and what the approximate odds are of achieving a pregnancy together.
We have a specialist that deals with these types of issues to evaluate both the ejaculation and fertility concerns. To schedule an appointment call 800.922.0000.