Frequently asked questions

How long will it take to get an appointment?

Referrals for lung transplant evaluation are scheduled after medical records have been received from the patient’s lung doctor and primary care doctor. To get an appointment sooner, contact your doctors and have them send your records to Nebraska Medicine, Attn: Lung Transplant Program. Our fax number is 402.559.9860.

If my doctor sends a referral, does that mean I will be evaluated for a lung transplant?

We will review records and have a consultation with any person who is interested in a lung transplant. We may ask you to come for an initial consultation rather than a complete lung transplant evaluation to review your lung disease, general health and options for treatment first.

Does everyone who gets evaluated for a lung transplant get listed for one?

We want to make sure that our patients and their families have the best possible lung transplant outcome. That means that some people who are referred to us will not be eligible for a lung transplant for a variety of reasons. If you come for a complete evaluation, the lung transplant team will review your case, and your specialist will talk to you about the best treatment plan, which may or may not include being listed for lung transplant based on nationally and internally excepted guidelines.

If I get a lung transplant, does that mean I’m cured of my lung problems?

Someone who goes through a lung transplant will tell you that you’re not getting rid of your lung disease. You are trading one situation for another. After a transplant, you will have medicines that you have to take for the rest of your life. You will have to go to the doctor more often, and you will get sick more easily than you do now. For some people, it is worth it. The decision to get a lung transplant is a personal one. Not everyone who gets evaluated for a transplant decides they want one. These are things that you can talk about with the transplant team during the evaluation process.

How much does it cost?

The cost of a lung transplant depends on many things. The Nebraska Medicine team will work with you to make sure that there is a way to pay for your medical care before and after your transplant. Lung transplant medicines are very expensive. It is a good idea to look at your finances before you come for your evaluation. During your evaluation, you will meet with a financial counselor to discuss finances, insurance and what costs you should expect.

Have questions? We're here to help.

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