What are the typical results of weight-loss surgery?

Woman talking to doctor

I think most people would like weight loss to be a quick fix, whether that’s a new diet, pill or procedure, but both weight gain and weight loss take time.

The weight-loss results of bariatric surgery are different for everyone.

Tiffany Tanner, MD

In general, however, you can expect to lose 60 to 70 percent of excess body weight, which is over 100 pounds for most of our patients. That’s really very significant.

I tell patients to expect weight loss in their first 18-24 months. During that time, you might gain some of that weight back. Like any weight loss plan, you have to make lifestyle changes to make it work. You’ve got to exercise. You’ve got to change your eating habits. If you revert back to your old ways, the weight will come back.

We help you get those results…

In our Bariatrics Center, we believe in helping patients long after the surgery. We see patients at specific periods — two weeks, six weeks, three months, six months, one year. After that, you’ll have annual appointments.

At every visit, we check your weight and your nutrition, too. You’ll meet with a physician or a nurse practitioner to discuss medical issues. You might see a nutritionist, to discuss any nutritional deficits that might affect your health.

Also, if you’ve started gaining back your weight, we can figure out why. At these appointments, we can address these problems right away – so that you get back on track.

After that first year, we’ll stay in touch, helping you stay motivated. We know it’s hard to change lifelong habits overnight. We’ll help by encouraging healthy eating and physical activity. We’ll help you get your motivation back when it’s lagging. Nearly everyone has times when they struggle. We can help you get through the slumps.

We’re here to support you, to help you take these changes to heart – so you can be successful in losing the weight.

You’ll love the new you… and we will, too…

We love seeing how people change after their surgery. It’s the best part of this entire process. We see them losing weight – looking healthier, taking far fewer medications and sleeping better. You’ll be able to get around easier, so you can become more active – which helps the weight loss, but also gives you a more fulfilling life.

I remember one patient clearly. For her, the simple act of putting socks on without help – that was a wonderful change. For another, the weight loss meant he didn’t need a walker any more. It’s all those little things that make your life more enjoyable.

You’ll start seeing results quickly – six months, 12 months, 18 months after surgery.

Not only will you feel better, but you’ll have more self-confidence. We’ll see you in a new wardrobe; ladies will start wearing makeup again. All our patients just seem happier after surgery. They have a new outlook on life. We’re excited to be part of it.

Is it time for you to learn more about bariatric surgery, and decide whether it is right for you?

To make an appointment with Tiffany Tanner, MD, or for a consultation at the Bariatrics Center, please call 402.559.9500.