U.S. News ranks Nebraska Medicine No. 1 in Nebraska for the 13th straight year

#1 for 13. Nebraska Medical Center: The best hospital in the state for 13 years straight.

U.S. News & World Report evaluated nearly 5,000 hospitals nationwide to develop their annual list of Best Hospitals. They look at things like clinical outcomes, level of nursing care and patient experience in developing these rankings. Again, Nebraska Medical Center is the No. 1 rated hospital in the Omaha metro area and the state of Nebraska. In addition, our cancer and gastroenterology and GI surgery programs achieved a national ranking, placing those programs in the top 50 nationally. Five other specialties were listed as high performing—those are:

  • Geriatrics
  • Neurology and Neurosurgery
  • Orthopaedics
  • Pulmonary and Lung Surgery
  • Urology

Eight procedures and conditions were rated as high performing, the highest ranking possible:

  • Aortic valve surgery
  • Colon cancer surgery
  • Gynecological cancer surgery
  • Heart bypass surgery
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma
  • Prostate cancer surgery

“This recognition means even more to those of us who know the people who make these programs successful,” says James Linder, MD, CEO and board chair of the Nebraska Medicine Board of Directors. “Seeing Nebraska Medicine programs on this prestigious list is a credit to every colleague in the health system and serves as a reminder to our patients that they are in excellent hands when they choose to receive care at a Nebraska Medicine facility.” 

The annual Procedures & Conditions ratings are designed to assist patients and their doctors in making informed decisions about where to receive care for challenging health conditions or elective procedures. 

“For 35 years, U.S. News has been a leading resource for patients navigating their health care decisions,” said Ben Harder, chief of health analysis and managing editor at U.S. News. “A 'Best Hospital' recognition empowers patients to seek out medical care from the best of the best to treat their illness or condition.”