Are vasectomies reversible? 7 common questions (and answers) about vasectomy reversal

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You thought you were done having children, but now you're having second thoughts after getting that vasectomy. You probably think it's too late to become a dad again since vasectomies are considered a permanent form of contraception, but you may be in luck.

Chris Deibert, MD, is the only male fertility fellowship-trained urologist in the state of Nebraska. His practice focuses primarily on male fertility and microscopic surgical repair, including vasectomy reversal, a procedure that restores fertility. Below, he outlines seven common questions patients have about vasectomy reversal.

1. When are vasectomies medically necessary?

Vasectomies are never considered medically necessary, but they can be a great option for men who are done having children, and they are the only permanent form of birth control available for men.

2. Are vasectomies reversable?

Vasectomies are intended for permanent sterilization, but they can be reversed in most men. If you previously had a vasectomy but are now considering having another child, a vasectomy reversal could restore your ability to conceive naturally. 

3. Can vasectomies be reversed naturally? 

A vasectomy is one of the most effective forms of birth control, with a 99.85% effective rate. Once you have been cleared, it's extremely rare for the procedure to fail or reverse naturally. In fact, the risk of failure is less than 1 in 2,000 (less than .05%) while other contraceptives like the pill and patch have a 0.2% failure rate. Surgery is typically the only way to undo a vasectomy.

4. What is a vasectomy reversal?

A vasectomy reversal is a three-hour surgery where the previously cut tubes that carry sperm, called vas deferens, are reconnected. During the surgery, a urologist will remove any scar tissue caused by your previous vasectomy and carefully reconstruct the connection using a microscope.

5. When can you have a vasectomy reversal?

Vasectomy reversals tend to be more successful if you've had your vasectomy more recently. The surgery is less likely to be successful if a significant amount of time has passed since your vasectomy.

6. How long will it take to get my partner pregnant after vasectomy reversal?

In general, it can take up to a year until your sperm are abundant enough to result in pregnancy, but it could be as little as a few months.

7. What if my doctor determines a vasectomy reversal isn't right for me?

If your doctor determines that vasectomy reversal isn't right for you, there's still hope. An alternative is in-vitro fertilization, or IVF. During IVF, doctors use a needle to remove sperm directly from the testicles and then fertilize your partner's eggs. 

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 800.922.0000.