Celebrating survivors: Lana Hoffschneider's story

Published May 11, 2021


Lana Hoffschneider

Let's get some things straight. You have choices. Cancer doesn't take the ability to make choices away from you. Within the first couple of days after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at age 41, I knew I had a choice to make. How am I going to approach what's ahead of me? With positivity driven by faith and trust, or with negativity driven by fear? I decided I had to let Jesus take the wheel. I like to be in control, but I threw my hands up! Faith is a much better driver than fear!   
I chose to trust that God would take care of my husband and three young kids if I didn't live through this, and He sent me examples of people who were doing fine after losing their wife/mom to cancer, to calm my heart.  

I chose to follow His lead on medical care and not worry about who and where to go. I was diagnosed and in the hospital the week of Christmas, but going to Nebraska Medicine and choosing my surgeon and oncologist all fell into place! My medical team is brilliant, experienced and caring.

I chose to let others help me and my family, something that I previously struggled to accept. The blessings of others gave me the time, strength and support to focus on my health and not have to use energy on anything else.  

I chose to not let the statistics scare me or define me. The mental challenges of a cancer diagnosis are real. I looked for survivors and found them. They gave me hope.

I chose to look for the miracles. I wrote them down to remind me on days when I was having a hard time seeing them. They're all around!

Choose hope. Choose love. Choose trust and faith. All glory to God!