Looking for an early sign you may be pregnant? Light bleeding or spotting after conception, also known as implantation bleeding, is an early and normal sign of pregnancy.
Trouble swallowing is a common concern. If it happens once or twice a week, you probably don’t need to worry. But if the problem worsens or becomes more frequent, you should see a health care provider.
While breast augmentation remains one of the most popular plastic surgical procedures, there has been a slight uptick in breast implant removal in recent years. Patients remove their implants for various reasons, ranging from comfort and personal preference to medical necessity.
If you’ve had a cesarean section in the past, you may wonder if it’s possible to have a vaginal birth in subsequent pregnancies. The good news is that many women who have had a C-section can safely have a vaginal birth after cesarean, or VBAC.
A new vaccine will be available later this fall, updated to be more effective against the currently circulating COVID-19 strains. When it is released, everyone should consider getting the new booster, says infectious diseases specialist Mark Rupp, MD.
While most sexually transmitted infections are transmitted through blood, vaginal secretions and semen, there are some that can also be contracted via contact with saliva and the mucous membranes in the mouth.
One of the potential changes you may notice as you age is the development of a curve or hump in your upper spine. This hump – a Dowager’s hump – is a common issue for older people but is nevertheless quite treatable.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a lot of parents to cancel well-child visits, and, as a result, many children missed routine vaccinations. The good news is that the trend is reversing as the pandemic recedes. The World Health Organization says the number of children missing out on vaccinations is nearly back to pre-pandemic levels.