Clinical Trial Details

Testing Whether the Addition of Carboplatin Chemotherapy to Cabazitaxel Chemotherapy Will Improve Outcomes Compared to Cabazitaxel Alone in People With Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer That Has Spread Beyond the Prostate to Other Parts of the Body

Categories (click each to see list of all clinical trials associated with that category): GU (ONC)

Current Status: Open

Phase: III (Cancer Control)

Principal Investigator: Teply, Benjamin

Contact Information:
Amanda Redmond


1.1 Primary Objectives a. To compare radiographic progression free survival (rPFS) between the two treatment arms in the subset of Aggressive Variant Prostate Cancer - Molecular Pathologic Signature (AVPC-MS)-positive participants. b. If the AVPC-MS positive test is statistically significant, test in AVPC-MS negative participants whether the combination of carboplatin and cabazitaxel improves rPFS. 1.2 Secondary Objectives a. To compare overall survival (OS) between the two treatment arms, stratified by AVPC-MS positive vs. negative. b. To compare response rates for PSA, Total Alkaline Phosphatase, and RECIST 1.1 between the two treatment arms, stratified by AVPC-MS positive vs. negative. c. To compare rPFS between the two treatment arms for the full trial. d. To compare rPFS between the two treatment arms for the AVPC-MS negative group in the absence of a positive treatment effect in the AVPC-MS positive group. e. To compare progression free survival (PFS) between the two treatment arms, stratified by AVPC-MS positive vs. negative. f. To compare toxicities between the two arms in participants who receive any treatment on study. 1.3 Banking Objectives a. To bank specimens for future correlative studies.