Third booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines available for immunocompromised

Woman receiving shot

Immunocompromised people who received the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least 28 days ago can now schedule a third dose (also called boosters) with us. 

Call 800.922.0000 to schedule a third dose appointment. 

You can also walk into the Pharmacy at Lauritzen Outpatient Center to receive a third dose of Pfizer without an appointment. The pharmacy is open on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

"Immunocompromised people are at higher risk for severe COVID-19 disease and may not respond as well to the vaccine," says infectious diseases expert Trevor Van Schooneveld, MD. "A third dose will help protect this vulnerable group."

People with weakened immune systems have a harder time with viral infections like COVID-19. One study found that up to 44% of hospitalized vaccine breakthrough cases are in immunocompromised people.

According to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), recent studies (like this Pfizer study and this Moderna study) show that a third dose for immunocompromised people generally increases their immune response. ACIP is waiting on more data before they recommend third doses for people who received the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine..

Immunocompromised includes people who:

•    Are receiving active treatment for solid tumor and hematologic malignancies 
•    Received a solid-organ transplant and are taking immunosuppressive therapy 
•    Received a CAR T-cell or stem cell transplant within the past two years 
•    Have moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency 
•    Have advanced or untreated HIV infection 
•    Are receiving active treatment with high-dose steroids, cancer therapy or immunotherapy

In addition to vaccinations, people with weakened immune systems should also:

•    Wear a well-fitting mask over your mouth and nose
•    Encourage people you live with to get vaccinated
•    Choose outdoor gatherings instead of indoor ones
•    Wash your hands frequently
•    Get tested if you have symptoms of illness
•    Practice physical distancing – the more the better
•    Avoid crowds
•    Disinfect high-touch surfaces

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