[Infographic] A look back at the major milestones of the COVID-19 pandemic

Covid cells

First the coronavirus was overseas. Then our National Quarantine Unit cared for evacuees of the Diamond Princess cruise ship. A little over a month later, Nebraska experienced our first two COVID-19 deaths. More recently, we have hope that the pandemic is on its way out with three vaccines authorized by the FDA.

After more than a year of COVID-19, these milestones stand out. Through every new development, our team of infectious diseases experts are here for you. Get the most recent vaccine information.

2020: Jan. 21, First confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States; Feb. 3, U.S. declares public health emergency; Feb. 17, Nebraska Medicine cares for COVID-19 patients from the Diamond Princess cruise ship; Feb. 25, Remdesivir clinical trial begins at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC); March 2, The U.S. reaches 100 confirmed COVID-19 cases; March 6, Nebraska has its first confirmed case of COVID-19; March 12, The U.S. reaches 1,500 confirmed COVID-19 cases; March 23, Nebraska Medicine pioneers UV light decontamination of N95 masks; March 27, Nebraska reported its first two COVID-19 deaths; April 4, Confirmed COVID-19 cases at 1 million worldwide; May 1, UNMC develops COVID-19 guidelines for meat processing facilities; May 27, COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. reach 100,000; Aug. 8, UNMC develops COVID-19 Back to School Playbook; Sept. 22, COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. reach 200,000; Dec. 11, FDA authorizes Pfizer vaccine; Dec. 15, Nebraska Medicine health care workers get first COVID-19 vaccine doses; Dec. 18, FDA authorizes Moderna vaccine; Dec. 26, One out of every 1,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. 2021: Jan. 7, The U.S. tops 4,000 COVID-19 deaths in one day, the deadliest day in the pandemic; Feb. 3, Global COVID-19 vaccinations surpass number of active confirmed cases; Feb. 22, COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. reach 500,000; Feb. 26, Total number of COVID-19 deaths in Nebraska stands at 2,063; Feb. 27, The FDA authorizes Johnson & Johnson vaccine.