Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery

Nebraska Medicine is one of the nation’s leaders in robotic surgery and was one of the first sites in the country to acquire the technically advanced robotic da Vinci™ Surgical System in 2000. This sophisticated technology provides surgeons with intuitive control, range of motion and incredible precision and accuracy, while minimizing the impact on the body. We recently obtained a newer, more advanced robotic system called the daVinci Xi, which features two work stations that allows two surgeons to work collaboratively on difficult cases. This allows our surgeons to use robotic surgery on a wider range of cases than ever before with even more precision and flexibility.

Why choose Nebraska Medicine for robotic surgery:

Robotic surgery allows our surgeons to combine their skills and expertise with robotics and computer-enhanced technology to provide a minimally invasive surgical option that is more accurate and precise than ever before.

We use minimally invasive robotic surgery to treat patients in a variety of specialties, including: cardio-thoracic, urology, transplant, gynecology and general surgery.

Through 3D visualization, surgeons are able to perform intricate tasks through small ports about the size of a dime as opposed to a large incision. For patients, this means improved outcomes, fewer complications, less recovery time and less discomfort after surgery.

Robotic surgery is performed using miniature instruments that are inserted through tiny incisions. The surgeon, seated at a control console near the patient, views high-definition, magnified, 3-D images from a tiny video camera. The robotic arms and tiny instruments are manipulated by the thumb and forefinger and the normal wrist movement of the surgeon. The mechanical “wrists” of the robot bend back and forth, side to side and rotate in a full circle, providing even greater range of motion than possible by a human. The system also eliminates the possibility of human tremors that can make intricate surgeries difficult.

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